Part I: General Information

Your Name: Panya Covin-Gwynn
Your E-Mail: lightfire(a), will be oceanchild(a) if accepted. Mail filtering is a wonderful thing.

Part II: Character Information

Character Name: Asanagi Ayumi, nicknamed Araumi

The characters Ayumi writes her name in mean 'visible step', or footprint. Ayumi is a traditional female name in Japanese culture. Asanagi means 'morning calm (over the ocean)'. Her nickname, which relates to her affinity for the ocean, means 'rough sea', and is actually a given name as well. It's an inverse pun on her personality, relating to the fact that very little penetrates her constant calm demeanour.

Character Position: Ayumi is a final year student at Chuo Gakuen. In between studying for college entrance exams, homework, and motorcycle racing, she fills her time hunting youma as Sailor Neptune.

Birthdate and Age: September 30 / 18


genre: romance -- this is going to get mentioned so many times it'll make you sick. Ayumi is seriously romantic. EXTREMELY seriously overboard romantic. If she was openly emotional, people would actually be able to tell how horribly, seriously romantic Ayumi is.

song style: love song, techno -- Ayumi, besides being a hopeless romantic, has somewhat of a thing for beats. Music with heavy bass beats or strange rhythms keep her from brooding heavily, which is a good thing.

gemstone: lapis lazuli, aquamarine, blue topaz -- all of these stones resemble or represent the ocean in some fashion ... mostly just by being blue.

colour: pale crystal blue -- much, much lighter than your normal sea colour, this is the shade water is over purely white sand, or the shade of the sky as it meets the water far out on the horizon's edge. Incidentally, fog over the ocean in the early morning can also be this shade. Ayumi is very drawn to this colour, but never wears it.

food: peach cobbler

class: astronomy -- Something about the combination of pure science and mysticality in this science really intrigues Ayumi. It's a solitary kind of study, as well.


chess -- Simply aside from the fact that this game is far too intellectual for Ayumi (not that her intelligence is limited but it goes in a more mystical direction); it also requires decisions. Lots of decisions. Lots of KEY decisions. In such a situation, Ayumi completely panicks and freezes. In this line, she's a horrible test-taker unless it's an essay test - which she excels at.

laziness -- this is another point that will be beat into the ground. Ayumi dislikes very much to have nothing to do. She wants to keep her hands busy as much as possible, and if the hand-busyer keeps her mind busy, so much the better. Going along with this, she dislikes to see anyone wasting time, although her reaction is going to be more internal grumbling than outward correction of erring person.

pretty boys -- even though Ayumi doesn't get mixed up with a boy (she's far too short and small for most people to make that mistake), on principle she dislikes the type. She very much stereotypes any pretty boy she sees, and finds it hard to get over the stereotype even when she's been proven wrong.

genre: horror -- Ayumi's problem with horror is that she thinks too much ... and while her own imaginings are just fine, anyone else's tend to give her sleepless nights. Whenever she sees or reads something scarey that's completely fictional, her mind won't let go of it. But real-life scarey doesn't seem to bother her a bit. On the other hand, most of what is encountered in horror fiction DOESN'T show up in real life.

song style: classical

food: tuna -- Anything ... any FOOD that causes as much trauma to the oceans isn't going to set well with Ayumi. However, until she access her starseed, this sort of feeling is rather instinctual ... there is no real reason behind it other than it doesn't feel right to her.

class: art


Sun Sign: Libra

Bad Habit: silence -- Ayumi has the very bad habit of not speaking out when she should, or in fact, very much at all. This can lead to her withholding important information, being ignored or forgotten, or not finding out something important.


appearance randomly generated using My CharGen


general : Ayumi has pretty skin that's a kind of pale creamy porcelain colour, with rosy cheeks. She has a pointed little chin and a widow's peak in her hairline that makes her face look heartshaped. At barely 5'4", with a slight, fragile build, Ayumi could stand to eat a lot more than she does, and runs a risk of serious broken bones in her motorcycle racing.

hair : Ayumi's hair is pretty short, cut in a haphazard way. None of the strands are more than a couple inches or so long, and wave all over her head like an out of control mop ... or maybe a windblown collie. At any rate, there's no managing it without much gel or water, and little need to, either. It could be said that she has bangs, but it's not like they're formal-type bangs, actual bangs ... more like sometimes her hair straggles over her forehead. Habitually she flicks the ends out of her eyes. When she has to really look nice, she takes a handful of little butterfly shaped clips and a lot of water and firmly pins it to her head. In colour it's a soft honey blonde, seeming to glow somewhat in bright sunlight.

eyes : Ayumi's eyes are a deep, clear blue, dark like the sky near sunset. If Ayumi was an anime character, her eyes would be pretty large. They're set a little close to her nose, giving her a slightly prissy expression, which is enhanced by the narrow square glasses she wears. Her eyebrows are what's known as winged, meaning the outer edges rise somewhat instead of curving down along the eye socket. The effect of this is to contradict the prissy effect of her eyes and make her look somewhat surprised.

clothing : Ayumi has a strong sense of style that shows up most strongly in her clothing. Elegant and normally graceful, she favours flowing skirts and billowy sleeves on her tops. Ayumi envelops her fragile frame in yards of sheer, flowing, wind-whip-able fabrics in shades of blue, sea green, toffee, and lavender.

voice : Ayumi's voice is a sweet, low contralto, surprisingly low for her height and build. She tends to speak softly as well and has to be encouraged to speak up usually.


Ayumi is a quiet person, introspective and pensive. Her personality has a lot of breadth and scope tucked away. She is always watching, staring, observing, and mulling over in her mind what she has seen. She is extremely sensitive, and there is much more to her than ever really meets the eye. She is rarely speaks in social situations, and is considered standoffish and distant.

At the same time, she wishes to be more open than she is, and these contradictory pulls in her nature make her very difficult for others to understand. Reserve and shyness seem her main strengths. She is not a complete social hermit only because a core of strength within urges her to become involved in life instead of sitting on the sidelines. Courteous and refined, good manners are important to her. She exhibits them and she expects them. Tactful, diplomatic, and refined, she strives to say and do the right thing.

Ayumi possesses a quiet, reserved manner that seems to take no effort on her part no matter how much activity is going on around her. Very little seems to ruffle her calm. She has a genuine concern for others, can convey this to them, and is a superb listener. She is both an idea person and an idealist.

Ayumi can be overly optimistic, sometimes looking at the world through "rose colored glasses." Emotionally naive, she continually overlooks other people's shortcomings and deficiencies. She is tremendously unselfish, trusting, open-handed, and at times a little too generous, especially with her boundless sympathy. In many situations, she is too giving and overly-idealistic.

She prefers working in a pleasant and very orderly atmosphere, with people who don't put undue pressure on her. She sees her role as that of peacemaker. Peace and tranquillity are so important. The least sign of hostility or discord is very upsetting to her. She will always refrains from speaking her mind if she fears her thoughts would alienate or start an argument. Unfortunately, this tendency makes her seem wishy-washy, less than reliable.

This is because she weighs each decision before choosing her direction. She experiences problems if called on to make snap decisions for the group. She tends to at least try to see the good in both sides of a situation. Unfortunately, such a balanced view of situations sometimes makes decisive action more difficult. She can have a hard time making everyday decisions of little or no consequence. On the big issues, she sometimes vacillates indefinitely.

In many ways, Ayumi is dependent upon the approval of others. She thinks of herself as half a partnership rather than an individual. Because of this feeling of dependence, she will put her partner's needs and desires ahead of her own. She can get pretty confused as to what she wants at any particular time, as compared to what her partner wants. Her partner's goals and ambitions become her goals and ambitions. She achieves her greatest potential in a codependent situation.

As attached as she is to her partner, she is not one to express strong emotions of any kind. Her emotions can be difficult to engage. Her demeanour is detached, preferring instead a dispassionate, almost protective role. Despite this lack of overt emotion, or perhaps because of it, she can be nearly fanatical about keeping hurtful, dangerous, or frightening information from her partner. This is the truest way she has of expressing emotions she prefers to keep to herself, although there is no denying the feeling of them. Ayumi's attachments are rare, but strong.


Part III: Soldier Information

Special Skills: dedication, teamwork

Powers: deep submerge

submarine reflection

submarine violin tide

Fuku: teal marine blue

Henshin: neptune crystal power makeup

Part IV: Other Information

RP Experience: ls, gtm, moo, arcana, t*a, rotl, mythos, mg, syscrash


Part V: Grammar Check


I just got a degree in Creative Writing, can I just skip this?

© Panya Covin-Gwynn & PawPrint Productions.