
Char's name
Birth name: Nikkou Ayumi
Adopted name: Tsuuriki Naienko; commonly called Naien
tsuuriki=mysterious power; naien=inner flame; ko=child (suffix) ... thus, mangled a bit, meaning 'inner flame child with mysterious power'
Code names: Korat, Koneko
small gray cats with cool apple-green eyes, korats are known to be more mysterious than the general run of felines
also, Naien commonly seems very feline. Now why in the name of anything holy Kritiker decided Koneko was appropriate is anyone's guess.

What is your char?
human mortal pyrokinetic, colloquially known as a pyrokin 'pie-ro-keen' (in japanese - perokin 'perokeen'). Naien possesses the power to create and manipulate fire with her mind.
Affiliation: Kritiker / Weiß Kreuz
Although psychics are more often associated with Schwarz and SZ, they approached Naien and she turned them down flat - this refusal being why they continually hound her now. No-one refuses SZ and lives; even less does that person refuse SZ, live, AND go to Kritiker ... they want her now, willing or unwilling, alive or dead.

What's the best thing that ever happened to your char?
Getting away from her repressive, straight, 'American yuppie' family at age 15 - they couldn't understand her and constantly tried to shove her into the box of the good little Japanese schoolgirl drone. She couldn't stand the expensive private school they enrolled her in, hated the entire 'family' game they played, didn't want to be female at all ... it was the 'how' she escaped that was the problem.

What's the worst thing?
Her entire family died in a fire. She has believed ever since that they died due to her power raging out of control, and feels constant guilt for their deaths. Thirteen years later she still wakes up with nightmares of flames consuming their familiar faces but somehow leaving her totally untouched. The event fueled both the growth of her powers and her fear of said powers, leaving her strong but often out-of-control.


What's your char's goals within the year? Within the next 20 years? Beyond?
Naien just wants to stay alive. While she has a job at the same florist shop where the other members of Weiß Kreuz work, and she's pretty financially secure, the constant dodging of assassins/recruiters from Schwarz and other cells wears on her, and she walks a blade-edge of fear and fury most of her days. A single day of peace and freedom from fear would be heaven to her, but she knows without a doubt that she won't find it in any cell but that of Weiß Kreuz - or on her own.
As for a farther distant future ... such a thing is not something Naien permits herself to dwell upon at any length, but if pressed, she'd likely snap out something like "World peace and someone to love me the way I am." Such as it is.

What are your char's prejudices?
Intolerance in any form wears on her nerves. Naien represents in herself a whole host of things people are prejudiced against, her status as a pyrokin being the least of it. Add to that cross-dresser, single at 28, working, AND high-school dropout ... well, ouch.
She doesn't care much for stuffed suits, either. The fastest way to get on her bad side, assuming you aren't there already, is to present yourself as an executive. Wearing a suit around her is guaranteed to set her on edge and prejudice her against listening to you.
Casual death is also a problem with her. Despite her avowed distance from the rest of humanity, she genuinely believes that the fire of life is sacred and not to be extinguished without a damn good reason. If she sees you kill without cause, be certain that you'll be getting a much colder shoulder for at least the next week.

What is your char's greatest fear?
Naien is absolutely terrified at the idea of killing with her power. She remains guilt-stricken at her family's death, observes a ritual of passing each year on that anniversary, and renews a vow not to kill with her powers at that time. Death by fire - especially her own - racks her with a primal flight-or-fight response. She despises this reaction in herself, and fights to bury it.

What is the one task your char will refuse to do?
She will not ever accept a task that would involve killing with her power. She will not shrink from killing with a manmade weapon, but killing someone by magick or psychic power is unnecessary, overkill, and deprives the target of any sort of sporting chance, in her mind - relegating the kill to the status of senseless. Also, due to her past, she would undoubtedly choke in a situation requiring her to kill with her power, a possibly fatal flaw.

What is your char's greatest regret?
Naien has imposed a distance between herself and other beings since thedeath of her family. She fears killing with her power, and thus refuses to permit anyone to get close to her emotionally. She deliberately stands aloof, although a social person, and presents a façade of touch-me-not perfection. She hates it. Her essential nature demands far more in the way of social interaction than she permits herself, and denying that nature is a daily torment and daily regret. But she is adamant that there is no other choice.

Powers / Weapon

crossbow - a small, hand-crank crossbow that is very probably illegal as hell, but she's damn good with it. Where a longbow-man could get off 5 shots per minute tops, she can only fire 2 bolts per minute - but they are powerful bolts that can go through an inch of anything up to brick or steel, and bore completely through human flesh and bone. In anger, the bolts catch flame ...
[Alternative #1:
shuriken - small, sharp dart-type objects that are usually thrown. She can throw up to 3 at a time, can get them around corners and angles, and generally carries at least 5 in a pouch at her waist. In anger, the darts catch flame ...
Alternative #2:
4" throwing daggers - perfectly balanced throwing daggers with 4" blades and 2" grips. Not intended for hand-to-hand combat. She's fast enough to have 3 in the air at once, and the things are wickedly sharp. She once etched her name on glass without dulling the blade a whit. In anger, the blades catch flame ...
If all else fails ... some type of throwing/shooting/distance weapon. Naien does not like to work close in!]

Fire call: Naien can summon flame to whatever (or whomever) she chooses, be it dry-as-tinder leaves or pure tempered steel. The less flammable the object, the more energy she expends to set it aflame; conversely, the more flammable the object, the more energy she expends to keep the fire controlled. Control is a huge issue here; she has very little and refuses even the simple exercises to gain more; she fears this ability. Hence, in anger or fear (common emotions), her hair appears to catch flame, her eyes reflect flame, and in extreme situations fire will spark from her fingertips.
Fire control: Naien also possesses control over extant flames. She can encourage or douse them at will. Controlling an existing flame is much easier than conjuring the flame, and hence she actually does have control of it. However, as above, in extreme situations control goes out the window, and nearby fires may rage out of control or die entirely, refusing to be relit.
Fire sight: Given a flame lit by someone's hand (i.e. not set by lightning or another pyrokin), Naien can view current actions within the range of the firelight. She cannot hear anything, cannot see part or future, and cannot go beyond the reach of the firelight, but any fire, anywhere is accessible to her. Essentially this is an out-of-body experience, with all attendant limitations pertaining thereto; she puts her mind in the flame. Dousing the fire Naien is observing from gives her a massive headache and snaps her back into her body in a disoriented state. Naien can only use this ability when standing on solid earth; there cannot be any air spaces between her feet and the ground. Thus standing on a road is fine, but she would have to be in the lowest basement of any building, and hope that it has a solid foundation. Her long reach is due to the fact that she uses the internal fire of the planet to traverse to fires in distant locations; air disrupts this contact.

These abilities concern ONLY fire. Light and other heat sources are not considered fire. Only actual flames can be affected by Naien.


What is your char's favourite motto or saying?
Self is the only prison that can ever bind the soul.
Naien believes that the only person who has a right to bind her or command her is herself. She feels strongly that she should be able to stand alone, and if not completely alone, then virtually so. As she says, "The only walls I'll hide behind are the ones I make myself."
And those who were dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.
A favoured quote to hurl into the faces of her family, and anyone else who attempts to put her into a box not of her own choosing.
You're only as old as you feel.
One of the few things she remembers her grandfather saying before his death when she was young.

Favourite animal and why?
Being that one of her code names is Koneko, it's pretty obvious that the favoured animal of Naien is the kitten (maybe that's why Kritiker gave it her?). Once they grow up, she likes them still, but she adores kittens. A kitten is one of the few beings that can bring out Naien's soft, female side, and she is often seen working with a Korat kitten perched on shoulder or head. Naturally, the little furballs do not accompany her on missions.

What would they want if they could have one wish and why?
Naien's one wish would be to go back in time and save her family instead of trembling in terror at the fire. She believes they died because of her, and nothing will convince her otherwise. There are a lot of things in her life that she attributes to that one night, and in what little time she allows for personal musings she wonders what her life might have been like had she been more courageous.

What's their hobby?
motorbike racing: Despite being a Firechild by name, Naien enjoys the feel of the wind in her hair. Speeding along on her motorbike is often the only feeling of freedom she gets all day, and she takes advantage of it as much as possible. Out where only the winds blow, Naien feels that she doesn't have to think and gains a measure of peace thereby.
arcade dance games: Naien has amazing timing, and can beat down almost anyone in a dance game challenge. If she's not out on her bike, she's definitely down in some arcade, showing the neighborhood how to do Dance Dance Revolution. The kittens aren't so keen on the bouncing around, though ...
kittens: okay, so it's not much of a hobby, but with a house-ful of the creatures, and the constant companionship of at least one at nearly all times, at least they give her something to keep her occupied.

Writing Sample

Tsuuriki Naienko checked her watch, measuring its time-difference against the clock on the wall of the back room of Koneko Sumu-le. 3 minutes. Nope. No way she could sneak out early and not get caught. She clenched a fist around the stem of a crimson rose, ignoring the sting of thorns. She HAD to get out before the press of people drove her to something indiscreet - or at least ill-advised.

'Too many people around here ... I have to get out before I blow something up.' Before last night, she had at least felt safe in crowds, safe in the shop. Now ... there was no safety.

Safety was a thing of the past.

Flexing her fingers around the stem of the flower, heedless of the blood, Naien relived the previous night's events in memory.

She had been putting a final shipment of flowers away in the huge fridge, to be sold the next day. There was no one there but her, and the dimness and silence was soothing after the day's bustle. So when a footstep broke the silence, Naien immediately snapped to attention, freezing over the flowers she was sorting. She barely breathed, eyes flicking from side-to-side, scanning the shadows for changes in light. Oh, why hadn't she lit the candle in the front?! At least then she'd be able to look in there without moving ... but regrets were, as always, useless.

A hated voice broke the stillness. "We meet again, Tsuuriki-kun."

"Johann," she whispered.

"I told you we would be back when you didn't expect us." In the light of the single lamp, his smile was a pale mark against shadow.

Naien summoned her courage. She was Weiß now. No more running from shadows. Even if they defeated her here, her teammates would rescue her. They'd rescued Aya-chan, hadn't they? "I always expect you, Johann, and thus am never disappointed. That's your department."

"What, disappointment?" Johann chuckled slightly. "Oh, no. It is you who will be disappointed this night ... Ayumi-chan."

Naien refused, by look or word or deed, to gratify the man with even the slightest reaction - which in itself was a reaction. How, HOW, had he found her deepest secrets? Her past was a shadowed thing, given to unpredictable flaring in her dreams ... but it was HER past, and buried, and she intended it to stay that way!

"That is not me," she replied. "If you seek her, you'll need a time-travel machine." Naien allowed a feral smile to cross her face. "I wish you luck, Johann, in that venture." Sparks began to dance from her fingertips, burning little black holes in the flower petals. She gritted her teeth in that smile and urged the fire over to Johann. She knew there were others, but if Johann left, so would they. She hoped.

Then she forgot everything but the fire.

Slowly, oh so slowly, tiny flames licked at the cuffs of Johann's pants. They vined up around his legs and reached for his arms. He stood stolidly, eyes fixed on her face, while the fires raced up his shirt.

Her breath released in a gasp when he finally ripped his eyes from hers and fled her fires ...

"Yo, Naien-kun!" The voice snapped her from her reverie. "Shop's closing! Let's go!"

She stared at her hand, spotted with dried dark dots of blood. She didn't remember releasing the rose. Deliberately, she reached out and grasped the flower again, wrapping her hand around the stem. Fresh blood flowed, but she ignored it. 'Remember this, Naien. The rose brings pain ... but that does not diminish its beauty.'

Gently replacing the rose on the table, Naien settled the korat kitten, Midori-san, on her shoulder, swept up her keys, and walked out the door of Koneko Sumu-le to join the other members of Weisß and Kritiker.

The weiß kreuz brought her pain, yes ... but the beauty of companionship far outweighed the pain.

Personal Info

The single most identifying physical characteristic about Naien is her sex - or rather, the ambiguous nature thereof. Both her given name and adopted name are generally seen as female (-ko suffix). However, she tends to introduce herself as either Tsuuriki or Naien, or by one of her code names. In appearance she's very much the bishounen, and even her voice is no giveaway. Appearance, plus voice, plus mannerisms, plus the fact that she is homosexual, all combine to fool most people into believing Naien is in fact male. S/he is actually an appropriate pronoun for her ^_^.

Hair: A great many bishounen characters have long hair, and Naien is no exception. Shoulder-length brunette hair sports double spiky bangs, one to either side, and falls in sharp straight lines below. Waves of red highlights chase down it in any light at her movement.
Eyes: Narrow eyes are framed by long lashes the same shade as her highlights. They are a strange and startling shade of blue so pale it almost can't be told as colour. This is especially uncanny when backed by the ghost-flames summoned by her fury or fear. Creases etched around speak of a constant expression - be it of anger or happiness, none can tell.
Face: Naien's face bears a pointed chin, strong jaw, and high cheekbones. Her nose is snub and seems dreadfully out of place in such a strong face. Skin is deeply tanned and bears the white marks of many small scars - legacy of the kittens who fill her life. A single long scar traces from near the corner of the eye to end halfway down her right cheek.
Build: Naien is bishounen. Lean shoulders, as little chest as you can get in a female and still BE female (she binds it anyway), long fingers and powerful hands. Naien stands 5'9" in bare feet, and weight does not bear thinking about. She is strong and well-built.
Voice: Alto. Naien's voice falls well below the typical range for Japanese females, who tend to have higher-pitched voices. It commonly bears a snap of anger or irritation, and in unguarded moments carries a tinge of sadness and regret.
Dress: Typically male - i.e. button-front shirts, slacks. When she attended school, she fought to wear the male school uniform.

game email will be naien(a)
© Panya Covin-Gwynn & PawPrint Productions.