Mau / Chaya / Sailornemesis

          Vital Statistics
Japanese Name Kuraino Mau (dance of darkness)
Nicknames Mau-san
English Name Chaya (Hebrew 'life')
Gender female
Birthday May 1
Sun Sign Taurus
Blood Type unknown
Hair Colour black with silver streaks
Hair Style pageboy
Eye Colour gold
          Personality Statistics
Strength empathy
Weakness making frindships
Favourite Colour(s) silver
Favourite Gemstone star-onyx
Favourite Food(s) angel food cake
Disliked Food(s) sardines
Favourite Subject(s) history
Disliked Subject(s) N/A
Hobbies playing harp and flute
Dream to be a counselor
          Senshi Statistics
Senshi Name Sailornemesis
Position Independent Senshi
Element earth / wind / fire / water
Symbol black crescent & gold crescent back to back
Items & Weapons Double Crescent Wand
Other Titles Princess Chandrakali
          Henshin & Attacks
Dark Moon Transform Moon Light Whip
Moon Mind Kinesis
Moon Darkness Blaze
Dark Moon Wave Deluge / Fire Stream / Air Spiral / Earth Tremble
© Panya Covin-Gwynn & PawPrint Productions.