Myouri / Ruadhan / Sailortyche

          Vital Statistics
Japanese Name Hoshi Myouri (luck star)
Nicknames Myo-chan
English Name Ruadhan (Irish Gaelic 'little red one')
Gender female
Birthday December 18
Sun Sign Sagittarius
Blood Type unknown
Height 6'1"
Hair Colour auburn red
Hair Style short and fluffy
Eye Colour silver
          Senshi Statistics
Senshi Name Sailortyche
Position Virtue Senshi
Element unknown
Symbol silver crescent
Items & Weapons henshin pen
Other Titles Senshi of Luck
          Henshin & Attacks
Tyche Power, make up powers unknown
Tyche Star Power, make up powers unknown
Tyche Crystal Power, make up powers unknown
© Panya Covin-Gwynn & PawPrint Productions.